Energy Care Scheme
At SSE Airtricity we’re committed to meeting the needs of our customers, especially those with individual needs. The SSE Airtricity Energy Care Scheme provides you with a range of additional services suitable to your individual circumstances.
You can register for the scheme if you are of pensionable age, disabled (including those who are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hearing impaired), terminally ill or chronically sick. As an SSE Airtricity customer we will remind you annually of the existence of the scheme and what you need to do if you wish to register, so that if your circumstances change we have you covered.
To register for the SSE Airtricity Energy Care Scheme, get in touch with our Customer Service Team or download, complete and return the Application Form.
You are required to provide confirmation that you meet the criteria. The following forms of confirmation will be accepted: Age: Birth Certificate, Passport or Driving Licence for proof of age. Disability: A GP’s letter confirming that you are disabled or in receipt of a State Disability Benefit (Please note: only one form of proof of age and one GP’s letter are required).
Services Provided
As part of the SSE Airtricity Energy Care Scheme, we will, where reasonable, practicable and appropriate, provide the following services free of charge:
Password Scheme
While all our employees carry a company Identity Card, the Password Scheme is designed to give you additional reassurance during home visits. We can arrange for our staff, such as Meter Readers, to use a password during home visits which we will agree with you in advance.
Nominated Contact
If someone else looks after your finances, or you have difficulty reading your bills, with their agreement we can arrange to send your bills to your nominated person in addition to a copy of the bill sent to you if requested.
Alternative Format Communications
We want to make sure everyone can access the products and services we offer. If you are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hearing impaired, we can provide communications in alternative formats including Braille, Large Print or Audio Format. This will include as a minimum, our Terms and Conditions, Codes of Practice, Complaints Procedure, and Billing information.
Special Control Taps or Adaptors
We’ve special control taps and adaptors for customers who have problems using their natural gas appliances. Simply let us know what difficulties you’re having, and we can advise what we have available.
Meter Exchange
Prepayment meters may have limited suitability for customers with individual needs. If you are having difficulty using your Prepayment meter, we’ll work with you to agree an alternative arrangement for payment. Meter Exchanges will be carried out by the Network Operator.
Meter Movement
If you find it difficult to access your meter, we’ll do our best to move it to a more suitable position. This may be subject to a technical survey and in rented accommodation may also be subject to agreement by your landlord. Meter Movements will be carried out by the Network Operator.
Quarterly Meter Reading
We’ll try to read Credit meters four times a year and Prepayment meters twice a year. However, if you or no one else in the household can read the meter, we can arrange to read it for you every quarter and notify you of the reading.
Free Natural Gas Safety Check
If you own your own home, we’ll arrange for a free annual safety check of your gas appliances upon request where all occupants of the household are either of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill, chronically sick or under the age of 18. This doesn’t apply to rented accommodation, where the landlord is responsible for the annual inspection in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004.
The safety check will be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer to confirm the gas appliances in your home are safe. If further work is required, there may be a charge for this. Any further work must be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer who should provide you with a quote before the work is carried out.
If the Gas Safe registered engineer discovers that an appliance or installation could be dangerous, they may have to shut off the gas supply until the problem is fixed. This will only be done where it is necessary to protect your safety and you will always be told about it and the reason why.
The safety check is not a substitute for having your gas appliances serviced regularly. Gas appliances should be serviced in line with the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure they run safely and efficiently by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
Special Advice
We will provide advice on the use of gas appliances and other gas fittings, where appropriate.
Get in Touch
To register for the SSE Airtricity Energy Care Scheme, or if you have an enquiry or complaint about our service, get in touch with our Customer Service Team or download, complete and return the Application Form.
Once registered, we will record details of your individual needs on the Energy Care Register. The register is completely confidential except for information we share with third parties in accordance with our Privacy Notice so we can provide you with the services offered as part of the scheme. A copy of our Privacy Notice is available here or can be provided free of charge upon request. From time to time we may contact you to request information to keep the register up to date.
We’ll never disconnect the supply of an SSE Airtricity Energy Care customer in any month from October to March where all occupants of the household are either of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill, chronically sick or under the age of 18, where the customer hasn’t paid their bill.
We’ll also take all reasonable steps to avoid disconnecting the supply to a household during this period where the occupants include a person who is of pensionable age, disabled, terminally ill or chronically sick and the customer hasn’t paid their bill.
Useful Contacts
We have Useful Contact Information which you may find helpful available here.