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Help and Advice

SSE Smell Gas

In an Emergency

If you smell gas, phone the 24-hour Northern Ireland Gas Emergency Service on 0800 002 001

Steps to safety

Frequently Asked Questions

If you wish to speak with our electricity department, please call our Customer Service Team on 0345 601 9093 or through webchat. We’re here to help Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm. In addition, our webchat service is also available on weekends and bank holidays, 10am to 6pm.

To ensure your bill reflects actual consumption, please ensure the meter reader gets access to read your meter and undertake a gas safety inspection.  

If you would like to submit a meter read, you can do so here. 

There’s no need for you to do anything at this stage your Direct Debit is now due to be reviewed. You will receive a letter outlining any change to your monthly payment amount. 

Your Direct Debit Budget Plan will be reviewed to reflect your estimated consumption and the changes in tariff. Any credit already built up on your account will be included within the Direct Debit calculation. Should you request a refund of your credit balance, your direct debit will be recalculated which will mean your monthly amount will be increased. 

If you have any concerns about paying your energy bills, please contact us as soon as possible so together we can come to an arrangement that allows you to manage your bills. 

There are multiple ways to pay, including using a prepayment meter. If you would like to discuss your options, just contact us and we can find the most appropriate way for you. Full details of all our payment options are available on our website here. 

Customers who choose to pay by our monthly Direct Debit Budget Plan, to spread the cost of their usage over the year, will continue to receive a £22.05 discount. You can call us on 0345 900 5253 or email us at if you would like to discuss.  

You can make a significant difference to the amount of natural gas you use and save money in the process by following useful hints and tips which we provide via our website or over the phone with our Customer Service Team. We also have helpful Energy Efficiency advice available in our  Code of Practice on Efficient Use of Gas. 

If you would like some free, independent local support, you may find it helpful to contact Advice NI, who provide a range of free money advice services. You can contact them by calling 0800 915 4604, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or emailing For more information visit 

We cannot comment on other suppliers’ plans in the respective Network Areas. Our focus is on continuing to do everything we can to ensure we consistently deliver value to our customers and provide an outstanding service. 

If you’re not happy with these changes in tariff, you have the right to terminate your agreement with SSE Airtricity in line with our Terms and Conditions. Our full Terms and Conditions can be viewed on our website. 

See the CCNI Price Comparison Table for current comparison on gas rates in your area.  

You can make a significant difference to the amount of natural gas you use and save money in the process by following useful hints and tips which are available on our website or over the phone with our Customer Service Team. We also have helpful Energy Efficiency advice available in our Code of Practice on Efficient Use of Gas. 

To request a copy of our Codes of Practice or if you would like any advice or support in relation to reducing your gas consumption, call us on 0345 900 5253 or email 

For more information and independent support on how you can use gas efficiently, contact NI Energy Advice on 0800 111 4455 or visit their website here. 

Customers who choose to pay by our monthly Direct Debit Budget Plan, to spread the cost of their usage over the year, will continue to receive a £22.05 discount. 

There are no discounts on Quarterly Credit or PAYG. 

At SSE Airtricity, as well as providing the best possible value and service, we always want to go that extra mile for our customers. 

For instance, customers who sign up to SSE Reward get access to a range of exclusive customer benefits at The SSE Arena, Belfast, including exclusive access to the SSE Reward Lounge, up to 48-hour advance tickets, discounts on the best hotels and restaurants as well as exciting competitions and promotions. 

If you have a question that is not covered here, please visit the help and advice section of our website or contact us by email at or by calling us on 0345 900 5253. We’re here to help Monday – Thursday 08:30 -18:00 and Friday 08:30 -16:30.

Your AGNI Online account is an online service that:

  • Provides 24/7 access to your bills/statements online
  • Provides email reminders when your bill is ready
  • Enables you to make a payment online
  • Enables you to Submit a meter eading online
  • Enables you to Go paperless

The easiest way too sign-up for an AGNI Online Account is via the SSE Airtricity Gas NI website. To register for your AGNI Online Account, you’ll need your Customer Reference Number, Supply Meter Point (SMP) number and Billing address post code. The initial part of the registration will take a no more 5mins to complete. Once this information has validated you will receive an email with the instruction to complete the registration and set your password. This will usually real time but may take up to 24hours. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain 1x lowercase, 1x uppercase, 1x numeric and 1x special character to ensure it is secure. You can find your Customer reference number and SMP number on any bill or your welcome letter. If you don’t have a bill to hand or welcome letter to hand you contact us at or 0345 900 5253 and we can provide these details.

If you have more than one property on your account, you’ll only need to register for a single AGNI Online Account. Your login details will allow you to view all of your individual properties in a single view however payments will still need to be made on an individual property level. To add multiple properties, make sure you tick the box on the registration page when registering.

Your AGNI Online Account will only enable you to manage your SSE Airtricity Gas Account/s

Make sure the details you are registering with are correct and you are completing all the mandatory fields. You may experience performance issues with certain older web browsers, and we would advise you to use more recent browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari etc.) If you continue to experience issues you contact us at or 0345 900 5253 and we can help solve this challenge.

Make sure you have fully completed your registration including the verification and password setting which was sent via email when you first registered. If you have not received this email, firstly double check to ensure this has not been received in your junk or spam folder and that you are checking against the email address you used for registering. If after checking, you have not received the email or you are still experiencing issues logging in you contact us at or 0345 900 5253 and we can help solve this challenge.

Your SSE Airtricity Electricity details will not automatically work for your AGNI Online Account. You will need to register for this separately and same email address you use for your Electricity account can be used.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password on our forgotten password page. 

All you need is your Username which is the email address you used to register, and your will receive an email with instruction for resetting your password. If you’ve entered your details incorrectly more than five times within an hour, you’ll be locked out of your account for 10minutes. This is to keep your account safe. All you need to do if you’ve been locked out is wait at least ten minutes, then reset your password.

If this occurs more than 3 times your account will be permanently frozen, and you will need to contact us to unlock your account.

Your username is your email address. This is the one you used to register or if you have recently updated your email address with us please use this email address.

If you signed up for an AGNI Online Account, this will be the email address that your confirmation email was sent to.

If you are registered for an AGNI Online Account, your bills will be available online and you will not receive paper copies. You are able to download and print your bills via AGNI Online Billing Account or if required you can request a paper copy sent to you by contacting us at or 0345 900 5253.

All AGNI Online Account customers can download and print their current or past bills if needed. All you need to do is:

  • Log in to your AGNI Online Account
  • This will bring you to your account to ‘Account Overview’
  • Find the bill that you are looking to print and click on the PDF icon.
  • The bill will open on a browser of PDF viewer.
  • Find and select the ‘Print’ command in your browser or PDF viewer to print the bill.

Your AGNI Online Account only provides the ability to view your most recent bills. If you have since made a payment this is not automatically reflected on your balance however will be reflective on your next bill.

  • Log in to your AGNI Online Account
  • This will bring you to your account to ‘Account Overview’
  • All bills are sorted by recent first
  • Click on ‘View Bill Overview’ to see the billing summary details for that bill

Bills can be downloaded in PDF format. Billing data can also be downloaded in Excel in summarized report for all meters billed in the month. This can be useful if you have more that one gas supply account.

You can update your email, password and your preferred contact via your AGNI Online account. You can update these details via ‘My Account’ located at the top right-hand corner of the screen. If you would like to update any other account details, please email or
contact our customer service team on 0345 900 5253

You can update these details via ‘My Account’ located at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

You will be billed as per your normal billing schedule and once your bill has been made available on your AGNI Online Billing account you will receive an email informing you that your bill is ready.

If you are no longer an SSE Airtricity Gas NI customer your AGNI Online Account will remain open for 1 month after your account is deactivated. After 1 month your AGNI Online Account will be deleted and you will no longer be able to view your bills online. You can still contact us to request a paper copy of your bill or if you require a longer period of access to your Online Account, however this should be within the 1month period as the account cannot be reactivated if deleted. Should you become an SSE Airtricity Gas NI customer again in the future you will need to register again for an AGNI Online Account.

We currently do not have a mobile app version of AGNI Online Account; however, this account is compatible with mobile/tablet/desktop/laptop devices.

A recent review of our pricing means that from 1 April 2024, the standard price of your gas tariff will decrease by 22.8%. As a price regulated domestic gas supplier, our prices are regularly, independently reviewed and approved by the Utility Regulator, following a consultation with the Consumer Council and the Department for the Economy.

A recent review of this pricing means that from 1 April 2024, the standard price of your gas tariff will decrease by 22.8%. This price change means a typical household customer will see gas costs reduce by around £0.88 per day including VAT.

The supply of natural gas comprises the cost of purchasing natural gas on the wholesale market, transporting it through the transmission pipeline, distributing it through the local network, and supplying the gas to our customers.

Each element of the final price to customers is explained in more detail here.

As a price regulated domestic gas supplier, our prices are also regularly, independently reviewed and approved by the Utility Regulator, following a consultation with the Consumer Council and the Department for the Economy.

While we do not know what energy markets will do in the future, we will continue to keep a close eye on all our costs, and we’ll maintain our commitment to passing on any savings as quickly as possible.

We can only change our regulated gas tariffs after an independent review and approval by the Utility Regulator, taking into consideration all supply and operating costs for the regulated gas business.

To ensure your bill reflects actual use, please ensure the meter reader gets access to read your meter and undertake a gas safety inspection.

If you would like to submit a meter read, you can do so on our website

There’s no need for you to do anything at this stage. You will receive a letter outlining any change to your monthly payment amount, which will be reviewed to reflect this change in tariff.

Your Direct Debit Budget Plan will be reviewed to reflect your estimated consumption and the changes in tariff. Any credit already built up on your account will be included within the Direct Debit calculation. Should you request a refund of your credit balance, your direct debit will be recalculated which could mean your monthly amount may need to be increased.

If you have any concerns about paying your energy bills, please contact us as soon as possible so together we can come to an arrangement that allows you to manage your bills.

There are multiple ways to pay, including using a prepayment meter. If you would like to discuss your options, just contact us and we can find the most appropriate way for you. Full details of all our payment options are available on our website here.

Customers who choose to pay by our monthly Direct Debit Budget Plan, to spread the cost of their usage over the year, will continue to receive up to £22.05 discount. You can call us on 0345 900 5253 or email us at if you would like to discuss.

You can make a significant difference to the amount of natural gas you use and save money in the process by following useful hints and tips which we provide via our website or over the phone with our Customer Service Team. We also have helpful Energy Efficiency advice available in our Code of Practice on Efficient Use of Gas.

If you would like some free, independent local support, you may find it helpful to contact Advice NI, who provide a range of free money advice services. You can contact them by calling 0800 915 4604, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or emailing For more information visit

We cannot comment on other suppliers’ plans in the respective Network Areas. Our focus is on continuing to do everything we can to ensure we consistently deliver value to our customers and provide an outstanding service.

If you’re not happy with these changes in tariff, you have the right to terminate your agreement with SSE Airtricity in line with our Terms and Conditions. Our full Terms and Conditions can be viewed at here.

See the CCNI Price Comparison Table for current comparison on gas rates in your area.

You can make a significant difference to the amount of natural gas you use and save money in the process by following useful hints and tips which are available on our website or over the phone with our Customer Service Team. We also have helpful Energy Efficiency advice available in our Code of Practice on Efficient Use of Gas.

To request a copy of our Codes of Practice or if you would like any advice or support in relation to reducing your gas consumption, call us on 0345 900 5253 or email

For more information and independent support on how you can use gas efficiently, contact NI Energy Advice on 0800 111 4455 or visit their website here.

Customers who choose to pay by our monthly Direct Debit Budget Plan, to spread the cost of their usage over the year, will continue to receive a £22.05 discount.

There are no discounts on Quarterly Credit or PAYG.

If you wish to speak with our electricity department, please call our Customer Service Team on 0345 601 9093 or through webchat. We’re here to help Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm. In addition, our webchat service is also available on weekends and bank holidays, 10am to 6pm.

At SSE Airtricity, as well as providing the best possible value and service, we always want to go that extra mile for our customers.

For instance, customers who sign up to SSE Reward get access to a range of exclusive customer benefits at The SSE Arena, Belfast, including exclusive access to the SSE Reward Lounge, up to 48-hour advance tickets, discounts on the best hotels and restaurants as well as exciting competitions and promotions.

If you have a question that is not covered here, please contact us by email at or by calling us on 0345 900 5253. We’re here to help Monday – Thursday 08:30 -18:00 and Friday 08:30 -16:30.

Bridge over Lagan River in Belfast at night

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