Understanding my bill
Understanding My Bill
If you are unable to understand your natural gas bill you can contact us on 0345 900 5253 and our fully trained staff will be happy to help you.
There is also some explanatory information on the back of the bill which may be useful.
We’ve created the following guides so that you can see, at a glance, what each section of your Quarterly Credit bill or Direct Debit statement means.
Simply select the appropriate bill type to see a detailed explanation of the bill.
Terms and Conditions of Supply
When you become a customer of SSE Airtricity Gas NI you agree to accept supply of, and pay for, the natural gas supplied in accordance with our terms and conditions.
You can access our terms and conditions of natural gas supply here or contact us on 0345 900 5253 to obtain a copy.
Meter reading
We calculate the quantity of natural gas supplied to you by reading the natural gas meter at the supply address. The volume of natural gas recorded by the meter is converted into kilowatt hours and charged at our published tariffs.
Estimated bills
We will endeavour to read your meter at least once a year. If we have not been able to get an actual meter reading, we will base your bill on an estimate of the amount of natural gas you may have used.
You can give us an up to date meter reading by contacting our customer services team on 0345 900 5253
Please see our Code of Practice on the Efficient Use of Gas for information on how you may be able to reduce your gas bills through using your energy more efficiently.